
Angelique is a mom, but cannot be defined in one particular area. She is fairly random and quite indecisive. She bakes kick ass cupcakes and pies, is semi-obsessed with shoes and likes to take pictures. Angelique keeps busy by posting on multiple blogs and watching tv. Check out the adventures at

KevinMLD has spent the last nine years working strange jobs that no one understands. He’s a miserable grad student who likes watching free movies and resents how expensive comics are now. He plays bass in the band Bleed Radio Bleed who should have a full-length out on Break Even Records, which makes them officially unknown artists.

ptb is a scientist by trade and a fan by nature. Born and raised in Philadelphia, he has spent a lifetime attending local educational institutions, collecting comic books, and watching professional wrestling. He is the founder of Break Even, an independent microlabel that specializes in releasing music from unknown artists.

Blind is a junior professor who moonlights as a comic book aficionado. Life has moved him from Orange County, California to Moscow, Russia (привет!). Discovering new patterns among the details in fact and fiction bring him endless joy. These discoveries are typically accompanied with beard instinctual stroking.

Bre wouldn’t necessarily call herself a writer but wouldn’t correct you if you did. Loves music, reading, and watching movies. Quick to be outraged by the ridiculous and stupid. Easy to make statements you wish you came up with yourself. Always one for good social commentary. Blogs about being a mom, other randomnes, and copious amounts of unfinished fiction at

Brian is an IT guru and total mark for technology, sports, Howard Stern, MMA and wrestling. When not hanging around some form of electrical current, he can be found doing anything possible to unsuccesfully improve his golf game.

jayco looks forward to the day he will no longer be a student…well, in title at least. He’s a west coast transplant who still gets a little nervous when the word “flurries” appear in the forecast. Although, then he thinks of an Oreo McFlurry and his inner fat kid soothes all other thoughts. Jayco collects inane talents, and as of late, has been bolstering his combat skills for the inevitable Zombie Apocalypse.

Kamila is a constant contradiction who can\’t sit still. She runs on caffeine and kung fu. She is the first and only MLD contest winner and has been dreaming of writing for the site since she was a little girl. Oh yeah, and she is a photographer, you should have her take your pic-chur.

KatieD was born & raised in Jersey but is currently enjoying all that North Carolina has to offer (everything from fried pickles to Nascar to people who smile). She loves all things Joss Whedon and still can not get over the fact Veronica Mars was cancelled. She is known to a lot of her friends as “Julie McCoy, the Cruise Director” because she plans everything. Besides TV, her greatest passion is traveling. One her dreams came true this spring when she spent 10 days eating her way through Italy with her husband.

lydonwrites is an improvisational actor, pre-service literature teacher, musician, blogger and writer. He is usually a fan of the vast potpourri of life, and doesn’t mind telling you when he isn’t. He will be enthralling captive high school audiences in classrooms, just as soon as he finishes his degree.

MissMichelle is a wife, a mother, a woman who really, really, really loves shoes and also, Angelique’s big sister. She likes to write about almost anything, things on her mind, things that bug her, things just too good not to share but mostly things related to travel, food, and skiing. Soon she’ll have mastered the half pipe or mastered walking in a cast. Stay tuned.

MikeE spends his days fixing other people’s computers and navigating the wilds of New York City. He’s an amateur photographer, loves almost anything with a space ship in it, keeps a Sonic Screwdriver on his desk, and freely admits to liking Robin more than Batman. He also wanted to wear glasses since the age of 10, JUST so he would look more like Egon, and that probably tells you more than you need to know.

Ryan is KevinMLD’s brother. He does not like music, comic books, or scary movies. You could say he is the Wild Card around here.

The Jason is incredibly opinionated. He works in the world of publishing and when not pondering how to prevent the extinction of the physical book, he can be found agonizing over typos in the Raw Warm-Up columns that he writes in tandem with PTB. He loves his wife and daughters, quality sci-fi, critiquing all forms of music and sushi. He writes the semi-regularly updated blog To Live and Die on Long Island and has played guitar in numerous Long Island, NY indie bands which would expose his rapidly advancing age. He has most recently been a member of Steady As She Goes.