DC Comics really did these covers right
Throughout January, DC Comics is shipping all of their books with covers connected by a similar style. The design is simple with a white background, a logo and in most cases a single character. I particularly like the way the issue title and number is subtly added to the upper right corner. On their own, you might not think much of them, but seeing them on the shelves together looked really cool. I don’t know if this promotion has a name (when these books were announced it was said to be part of DC putting the focus on its characters), but it’s a fun idea and it drew my attention to a lot of books I never would have looked at otherwise.
Marvel did some similar covers in the last two years to commemorate their publishing history and characters: a monthly 70th Anniversary set by Marko Djurdjevic, a Women of Marvel set by Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic, and a set of character frame variants for their regular titles in August 2009 and August 2010 to coincide with these celebrations. Unfortunately, they were all variant covers that many stores didn’t even receive and most never made it to the shelves. As nice as some of those covers looked, it was a missed opportunity in not having them as the regular covers to the books.
DC put these images on their entire publishing line for the month of January. Eventually, we’ll try to compile them all, but here’s a selection of some of my personal favorites. If you want to look at some great artwork or see if your favorite character is part of this set, Comixology.com’s shipping list and DC’s official blog, The Source, are good places to start.

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