My Latest Pull List – January 13th, 2016
Spotlight on Secret Wars #9: And so it comes to an end. I went into the final issue of Marvel’s universe-shattering event with hope for something satisfying to close things out, but it was a slim hope. I should have known to trust Jonathan Hickman to put a strong finish together not just for the Secret Wars event, but his entire tenure at Marvel, and the Marvel Universe itself.
I’d rather not spoil the story here and this is not a review per se, but in the broadest terms terms Secret Wars #9 succeeds in delivering the end of every thing. Anyone following Marvel Comics in general or this story specifically knew that it was going to require an epic story to cap things off. Hickman managed to boil it all down to where his Marvel work began: Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom. I’m not a huge fan of either character, but I found myself buying in completely.
Esad Ribic and Ive Svorcina’s artwork is stellar once again. What worked best for me was the eschewing the details of literally every living creature on Battleworld locked in battle and focusing on individuals. The pacing of personal interactions between the major players and the clashing of god-like powers was perfect.
For anyone who didn’t follow Hickman, Ribic, and Svorcina’s Secret Wars over its protracted serial publication (really one of the few marks against it), a collected edition is scheduled for release on March 16th, 2016. Readers can also find the series digital through the Marvel.com and Marvel Comics mobile apps.
– Jonathan Hickman, Esad Ribic, and Ive Svorcina’s Secret Wars is published by Marvel Comics.
My Latest Pull List for 1/13/2016:
Five new books on my list this Wednesday and one “maybe.”
- DARTH VADER #15 – Very ready for the Vader Down cross-over to end. It started out strong, but as soon as the supporting characters from the Vader series (homocidal C3PO, R2WMD2, and the evil Wookie) moved into the spotlight I completely lost interest.
- ALL NEW WOLVERINE #4 – I’m still mystified by the fact that this is the best ANAD Marvel series I’ve picked up. Solid story, good cast, and top notch art. Totally unexpected.
- EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN #5 – I wish I had rave reviews for this, or any of the X-titles, as I do for All New Wolverine. The “No More Mutants” rehash with the Terrigen Mists is a concept that does nothing for me, and the books aren’t offering much else.
- ALL NEW X-MEN #3 – I have similar feelings on this as Extraordinary X-Men. I just want these books to give me a reason to stick with them
- SECRET WARS #9 – See comments above.
Under consideration:
- AGENTS OF SHIELD #1 – On the fence with this one. Just feels like too many attempts to make these characters part of the Marvel Universe while the Marvel Universe just keeps changing.
Weekly comic books are a big part of my life and you can see what’s on my reading list each Wednesday here and on Reddit’s /r/comicbooks.
Check back every week to see what’s on My Latest Pull List and share your thoughts what you’re reading this week.