My Latest Pull List – January 13th, 2016
Spotlight on Secret Wars #9: And so it comes to an end. I went into the final issue of Marvel’s universe-shattering event with hope for something satisfying to close things out, but it was a slim hope. I should have known to trust Jonathan Hickman to put a strong finish together not just for the Secret Wars event, but his entire tenure at Marvel, and the Marvel Universe itself.
I’d rather not spoil the story here and this is not a review per se, but in the broadest terms terms Secret Wars #9 succeeds in delivering the end of every thing. Anyone following Marvel Comics in general or this story specifically knew that it was going to require an epic story to cap things off. Hickman managed to boil it all down to where his Marvel work began: Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom. I’m not a huge fan of either character, but I found myself buying in completely.