Monday Night Raw Warm Up for May 27th, 2013

Triple H wasn’t the only one confused about the ending to last week’s Raw in Kansas City. Hopefully the narrative continues with a bit more coherence tonight in Calgary.
Happy Memorial Day from MLD! A heartfelt thank you goes out to all members of the United States Armed Forces as we remember those who have fallen while serving.
This week’s Raw comes to us from the land where the main export seems to be gifted wrestlers with names like Hart, Pillman and Storm: Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It also happens to be WWE’s officially designated “Bizzaro World” where the heels rule and the good guys can’t catch a break. We’ll surely be treated to a lively crowd, as it has become an essential component to inject some life into a show that has been anything but extreme, despite last week’s show coming off the Extreme Rules pay-per-view. While there were some strong matches during last week’s broadcast, the ending segment ultimately left us puzzled, perplexed, and pondering who’s gunning for the top spots on the roster.