DC Comics’ Brightest Day
KevinMLD and PTB review the follow up to DC’s hit Blackest Night series by Geoff Johns. Bi-weekly recaps and discussions of the entire
26 24-issue run.
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #24
Last week saw the conclusion to DC Comics’ Brightest Day maxi-series that spilled out of the wildly popular Blackest Night story. Blackest Night was the culmination of years of Green Lantern stories by writer Geoff Johns, while Brightest Day turned the spotlight to other DC mainstays like Aquaman, Hawkman, Maritan Manhunter and Firestorm. The story
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #23
The penultimate issue of DC’s year long series, Brightest Day, arrived in stores today preceded by a monster spoiler for the issue hitting the Internet last night. There’s no way to discuss this issue in any meaningful way without discussing that spoiler so be warned. We were kind of down on the series after seeing
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #22
DC Comic’s Brightest Day series is down to it’s final issues and the last individual story of the resurrected heroes from Blackest Night wraps up in issue #22. Firestorm confronts his Black Lantern analog, Deathstorm, and the cosmic Anti-Monitor with everything in Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch’s lives on the line. This was probably the
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #21
Brightest Day heads into its final four issues last week and we’re seeing a lot of characters coming together now that they’re done with their subplots that had little to do with the main story of the series. Martian Manhunter is the focus of the issue in his battle with the other last Martian in
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #20
With just two months left in DC’s year long maxi-series Brightest Day, issue #20 turns its attention to the second half of the Aquawar with Aquaman leading a team of heroes and dead fish against Siren’s forces from another dimension and Black Manta. Aquaman, Aqualad, Aquagirl and especially Mera each get nice character moments in
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #19
As the conclusion to DC’s year long series Brightest Day looms near, issue #19 opens just seconds after the stunning finale of issue #18 with the Deadman confronting the White Ring over its horrific actions. With the Hawkman and Hawkwoman subplot out of the way, the book’s focus turns to the “Aquawar” that’s about to
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #18
DC Comics’ Brightest Day series is heading into the home stretch and the previous issue saw a marked improvement in how the story is being told. Issue #18 continues this trend as the stories of the characters resurrected by the White Lantern during Blackest Night continue to converge. Two of those stories meet and take
- The State of the Green Lanterns – Winter 2011
Let me start off by saying that I’ve always thought Green Lantern was a terrible character. When I was a kid I totally would have taken Aquaman and his ability to talk to his fish friends over Green Lantern’s stupid magic ring and glowing fists. It’s terrible, and Hal Jordan’s lack of a personality never
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #17
DC Comics’ Brightest Day returned with a strong issue two weeks ago and we can only hope that it’s a sign of things to come for the series. In many ways the book returned to the way it began by shifting the focus around the major players that were resurrected during Blackest Night, namely Deadman,
- The State of the Batmen (and Women) – Winter 2010/2011
This article has been planned since shortly after MLD ran the State of the X-Men piece back in November. The delay in the post has been directly tied to the delay in DC Comics publishing their second new high profile Batman title, David Finch’s Batman: The Dark Knight, which was originally due to ship November
- REVIEW: Larfleeze Christmas Special
The Larfleeze Christmas Special may have been my most anticipated comic of the year. While it wasn’t as good as I had imagined it to be in my head, it was still a pretty enjoyable book. Before I discuss the story, I figured maybe I should give you some background on this relatively new character,
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #16
Brightest Day keeps rolling along and the latest installment starts to stray (slightly) from the recent trend of telling a single story about one of the resurrected heroes in each issue. It’s mostly about Aquaman and the new Aqualad, but there’s a little Firestorm in there too. The shift to focusing on a single story
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #15
DC Comics’ Brightest Day spent another issue focusing on a single character last week, with Martian Manhunter getting all of the attention this time. While the previous issue dedicated to Dead Man (with a special appearance by Bruce Wayne as Batman) advanced the plot of the series, that’s not necessarily true here. It was still
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #14
DC Comics’ Brightest Day 26-issue maxi-series has turned the corner into its second half with last week’s issue #14. This one had a huge guest star in the recently returned Bruce Wayne, but as you’ll read, you can’t always judge a book by its cover. Spoilers ahead. PTB: You must have enjoyed this more than the
- Halftime Report: DC’s Brightest Day
We’re at the halfway point in Brightest Day, and it seems like a good time to address some aspects of where the story stands. With 13 issues out, I think it’s fair to start asking some questions about how this series has progressed, where it’s going and whether it’s worth sticking around for.
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #13
Brightest Day #13 is in stores this week, and this is going to be a tough one to discuss. The book wasn’t what either of us were expecting and continued in very much the same vein as issue 12. This time around the focus is on Hawkman and Hawkgirl and their Hawkadventures on Hawkworld. Something
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #12
Welcome back for our ongoing discussion of DC Comics‘ Brightest Day series. As these posts have begun to pile up, we’ve created a new hub to access previous issues and even some of the things we had to say about Blackest Night. Brightest Day #12 is all-Martian all the time, which proves you can’t judge
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #11
Welcome back again for our semi-bi-weekly discussion of DC Comics‘ Brightest Day series. Issue 11 focuses on Aquaman and Firestorm with a few pages dedicated to the Martian Manhunter. We also manage to bring DC’s Earth One graphic novel series, a Doctor Who episode from 1975 and Death herself into the mix. Spoilers will follow…
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #10
Our discussion of DC Comics’ Brightest Day series continues with issue #10. Lots of Firestorm. Lots of Aquaman. Also included is a discussion of the possible coolness of Black Manta and obvious lameness of Deathstorm. Spoilers to follow. PTB: A very misleading cover this time around. Deadman doesn’t even appear in the book. Aqualad doesn’t
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #9
After a week off in observance of Labor Day, we’re back to discuss DC’s Brightest Day #9. This time around we clarify who the Aquaman expert around here is and how to most effectively booby-trap a magic forest. We usually spoil things along way. PTB: The big revelation surrounding Aqualad comes to light this issue
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #8
DC Comics’ Brightest Day #8 landed in stores last week and the initial reaction: “nothing special.” Still some things happened centering mainly on Hawkman and Hawkgirl with some Martian stuff thrown in. PTB: I like the inks and colors on the cover. It’s a different style from the previous issues (and David Finch‘s usual stuff),
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #7
Everyone gets a mystery this issue as things really start to happen in Brightest Day #7. All of the White Lantern’s resurrected characters from Blackest Night make an appearance and some of their individual stories start to connect. At the same time, many new stories are seeded throughout along with a series of Fall TV
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #6
We’ve had a week to digest the happenings of Brightest Day #6 since it shipped last Wednesday and there’s plenty to say. Our discussion covers green Martians, white Martians, Miss Martians and manhunting Martians along with more on Firestorm, Deadman, and Aquaman. PTB and I also take moment to touch on the Brightest Day teaser image DC
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #5
Brightest Day returned last Wednesday after a week off and focused on Hawkmen, Hawkwomen, and other assorted bird-, cat- and fish-people. PTB and I are keeping our discussion of the book on our original bi-weekly schedule even if the book isn’t, so let this hold you over until issue #6 next week.
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #4
The world of Brightest Day expands a bit with this issue as more of the resurrected characters enter the spotlight. No progress on Martian Manhunter or Aquaman, but there’s all kinds of Hawk-stuff. Unfortunately, there’s no issue shipping this week, but things seem to be back on track next Wednesday. In the meantime, PTB and
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #3
DC Comics‘ Brightest Day #4 is in stores this week. That makes this as good a time as any to share some thoughts on issue #3. PTB: The cover really caught my attention on this one. At first, I thought they were the resurrected characters, but upon thinking about it that’s clearly not the case.
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #2
DC Comics‘ Brightest Day #3 hits stores today, ptb and I have taken some time over the past two weeks to share our thoughts on issue #2. Things are broken down according to the characters focused on throughout the issue. Firestorm PTB: OK, I really don’t get all this Firestorm stuff and I don’t really
- REVIEW: Brightest Day #1
DC Comics‘ Brightest Day #2 hits stores today, ptb and I have taken some time over the past two weeks to share our thoughts on issue #1. KevinMLD: So what did you think of Brightest Day #1? I enjoyed it more than I expected to. The Aquaman stuff is a great twist. Clearly the resurrection
- DC’s Blackest Night and Brightest Day
As Brightest Day, the follow up to DC Comics‘ hit miniseries Blackest Night, officially begins today (issue zero was released last month), ptb and I have taken few moments to reflect on what has come and speculate on what’s ahead. ptb: The thing that stood out most to me about Blackest Night was the way
- Spoilers are Fun: Brightest Day
No sooner do I criticize Marvel for revealing members of their upcoming Avengers team and as a result cutting the legs off any suspense contained in their current epic story Siege which is basically leading up to the formation of that team than DC decides to get in on the action. DC via their official
- In Brightest Day…
DC Comics officially announced yesterday that a new series called Brightest Day will follow up their best-selling Blackest Night series in April. While Blackest Night is a more conventional 8-issue miniseries, Brightest Day will be a bi-weekly 26-issue maxi-series beginning with an issue zero. This is similar to DC’s weekly series 52, which launched out