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This Klondike "Moment of Glory" courtesy of Phillies.com

The Philadelphia Phillies had a fantastic game last night behind another complete game shut out from Cliff Lee. The win came against the Boston Red Sox, one of the teams the Phillies have recently been vying with for the best record in baseball. Some are touting the series as a preview of this year’s World Series, but at the midway point of the season it may be a little early to say those kinds of things. Regardless, it’s a great inter-league matchup and my excitement over it led me to sports radio and a truly awful example of its target marketing.

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Welcome Back Pedro Martinez

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One of the things I really like about MLD is the professional dedication to not allowing any personal bias impact our writing that each of our writers constantly displays. Unlike the current President of the United States who during the Major League Baseball All-Star game earlier this week seemed to forget that he needs to appeal to more than just a small group of fans of that other team from Chicago, we at MLD recognize that our audience is not only national, but global. We cannot make such a petty mistake as displaying any type of loyalty to a brand, sports team, corporation, musician, writer, artist, etc.

It’s just not appropriate.

Having said that, I’d like to welcome back to Major League Baseball Pedro Martinez. I hope he shoves a few 90 mile per hour fast balls up David Wright’s left nostril as the Phillies grind the Mets down with the back of their heel like a used up, spit out cigarette again this September.

And if he sucks on the field, I’m sure he’ll at least be good for a laugh. When a team sells out two out of every three games they can afford to spend a million dollars on renting a clown who used to be a brilliant athlete for two months on the off chance his tank’s not empty.