How I Watch TV

Posted by under *like, Technology, Television |

The way we watch television has changed so much.  Technology is crazy.  Now we DVR it, watch it on Demand, download it through iTunes, or rent the DVDs.  There are so many ways to avoid watching tv in the traditional way.

There is something that makes me so happy about being able to watch an entire season of a television series from start to finish in one day.  Such a sense of completion.  Half season shows make this even better (easier). Since HBO and Showtime follow different season schedules than most network shows, these have been the easiest shows to do this with.  DVD releases have helped to build premium channels to a whole new level.  HBO released the first season of True Blood on DVD before the second season had started.  The people who had heard about the show from their friends were hooked in time to order HBO before the next season began.

My latest favorite way is Netflix Instant.  Better than DVD’s since usually I can’t get the entire season in one Netflix shipment.  Better than onDemand because I don’t have to listen to loud obnoxious stuff in between episodes as I re-navigate through all the ridiculous of the menus.  Netflix Instant lets me have multiple shows lined up and rate them, maybe to discover a new show that I would think is amazing.  So far, unfortunately, I haven’t thought any of their suggestions are awesome.  To be fair though, I watch A LOT of TV to begin with, so there isn’t much left to suggest.

So!  With my new found free time, I will be making my way through some television.  I am starting with Weeds.  A show I tried to watch once, but clearly couldn’t jump into the middle of.  Expect season by season reviews coming soon.  Also on the schedule is Mad Men.  Any other suggestions are more than welcome.  Especially if they are available through Netflix Instant.

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  • KevinMLD said,

    Try Party Down on Netflix. It takes a few episodes to get into but Kar and I loved season one.

  • Mariana said,

    Big Love! Crazy but good!

  • LydonWrites said,

    I will second Big Love, but for full disclosure I must admit that I watch most of my TV on the sly through the website http://icefilms.info . Some folks may not be comfortable watching that way, as it asks you to install scripts to extend the functionality of your browser, but I did, and continue to watch things like True Blood, Big Love, LOST, Justified and Sons of Anarchy on the site.

  • Angelique said,

    Kevin – Thanks for Party Down. I tried watching the first episode once and just could not get into it. I was disappointed by it compared to what I expected. Hearing it gets better gives me hope.

    Mariana & Matt – I have watched all of Big Love since the start of the show on HBO, so I’m all caught up on that one 🙂

    Matt – I like to keep things legit 🙂 slash not install weird stuff on my computer. We watch True Blood already as well as LOST. I have never heard anything about Justified or Sons of Anarchy, I will have to check them out.

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