Wednesday’s Comics for 8/10/2011
Every week I’m part of a group that shares their comic book pull lists over at It’s a great way to discuss what you’re reading and sharing it with the MLD community seemed natural. Also, I won’t get my books until Saturday this week and talking about them helps temper the anticipation.
There are a bunch of books shipping for me this week (8), but unfortunately I’m vacationing in a town without a comic book store. There are plenty of books I’m looking forward to reading and some that are approaching the end of my interest.
- Amazing Spider-Man #667 – Spider-Island does not look appealing to me on the surface and I was surprised to see it even has miniseries associated with it. I continue to give this book a chance (I’ve been buying it for months without reading it), and just hope it pays off once I catch up.
- Dollhouse Epitaphs #2 – I have #1 sitting across the room from me and I’m hoping to use it to make a decision on continuing with this series. Sum total of comics read so far during my break = 0. I was a fan of the Dollhouse TV series and would love to see more stories from that universe.
- Fear Iself #5 – I have mixed feelings about this series and the prospects of this issue weren’t appealing at all until I looked at the preview.
- Fear Iself: Uncanny X-Force #2 – I liked issue #1, but I feel like this is the type of thing I’m going to regret having spent money on once it’s over. That’s certainly been the case with other event books I’ve invested in lately.
- New Avengers #15 – I’m giving this a chance through it’s run of Fear Itself tie-in issues, but this is probably my last arc with this series. I’ve said that before, but writer Brian Bendis keeps pulling me back in.
- New Mutants #29 – As interested as I was to see Nate Grey return, Danny Abnett and Andy Lanning’s (DnA) first arc on this series was really not to my liking. Last issue really turned my opinion around and I’m hoping it’s a sign of things to come.
- X-Men #15.1 – I’ve enjoyed all of Marvel’s “point one” issues that I’ve read, but this title under Gischler will test that result.
- X-Men: Legacy #253 – This book is always tops for me. Seeing it on my list was almost enough to have my books shipped here. This and Fear Itself will be the first things I read from this week.
Sharing what I’m looking forward to and seeing the reading lists of other fans has been a big help in catching books that slipped under my radar as well as pointing me on to new titles I wouldn’t have normally considered. If you’re not a reddit user, it’s worth checking out.
Here are some places to see what’s arriving this week:
KevinMLD said,
I missed the deadline for this apparently but here are my top books for the week:
Detective 881 – I believe this is Scott Snyder and Jock’s final issue together. They have been the premier Batman team over the last year as far as I’m concerned and this is the conclusion to a story that has been building for months.
Fear Itself 5 – I’m reading this for MLD. Hopefully there are plans in place to back out of the Bucky death. We’ll see.
Flashpoint – Frankenstein and the Creatures of the Unknown 3 – This series has been good fun so far and I suspect the ongoing Frankenstein series may be one of the sleeper hits of the DC reboot in September.
War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath 2 – I enjoyed the first issue of this miniseries but it’s clear we’re just treading water until the reboot.
American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest 3 – Scott Snyder’s American Vampire work has been fantastic. He’s quickly becoming my favorite writer at DC. Its just a matter of time until he signs an exclusive with Disney Comics to write Daredevil, Captain America and Iron Fist.
Batgirl 24 – Bryan Q. Miller is tying up his run on Batgirl with issue 25. It sounds like he’s cramming a years worth of stories into three issues, so that DC can replace their new Batgirl with their old Batgirl. I’m not pleased.
Morning Glories – Another issue of Nick Spencer’s psycho high school series. He’s starting to lose me because he hasn’t really provided any answers yet. I hear they’re coming before issue 18.
Incredible Hulks 634 – I think there’s one issue left after this one for Pak’s Hulk run. So far this is not the way I would have wanted to see it end.