I’m even following Jimmy Fallon on Twitter
When Conan O’Brien took over The Tonight Show this month, we decided to record it and see what he was up to. We’re Conan fans, so we had some built in interest. As part of the deal, we added Late Night with Jimmy Fallon to the recording schedule as well.
We had watched Late Night during Jimmy’s first week back in March, but hadn’t paid any attention since. I can’t speak for Angie (or anyone else here), but I can’t get enough of the show. I enjoyed the first week, but it’s just gotten so much better and Jimmy Fallon seems much more natural in his hosting role. Even more compelling than that is the fact that the humor is just how I like it, and the content really appeals to me. No other talk show that I’m watching has segments on the Palm Pre and Apple’s iPhone 3GS, or demonstrates the XBox360 Natal. Tonight he‘s playing Tiger Woods on the Wii in Times Square! I’d go so far as to say this stuff isn’t on anyone in television’s mind outside of G4 and one or two other niche basic cable shows.
Bottom line, I’m hooked on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. The Roots‘ contributions as the show’s house band don’t hurt, nor does the drama of the Late Night reality show, 7th Floor West.
Updated: Now available www.seventhfloorwest.com