A Quick Comment on Comments
My latest distraction has been caused by My Latest Distraction and other blogs as well. All you bloggers out there will understand where I am coming from. I know for me, blogging isn’t just about typing for the sake of typing. I thought it was a great way to share my opinion on things and start a conversation. A blog is a great way to start that conversation since it has a section for comments. If I didn’t want to hear people’s thoughts on the topic, I would just make a website.
To alert people to our lovely page, we have it set up to broadcast to other areas on the web. One in particularly, I find extremely frustrating….Facebook. It is great, don’t get me wrong. I love that people come and read what we have to say based on a link posted in a status update. But if you have something to say about what was written here…share it with all the MLD readers. Don’t just comment on the Facebook update, or the Tweet, or whatever various method you used to find us.
Comment here on MLD. Let us know we are loved and appreciated. I think most bloggers out there would agree….we thrive on comments 🙂