REVIEW: Ultimate Comics X-Men #1

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Continuing the onslaught of new books for the month of September, this week sees the return of Ultimate Comics X-Men to Marvel’s relaunching Ultimate line. In the spirit of all of these new books (both from DC Comics’ “New 52″ and beyond), we’ve been trying to showcase as many as we can in a what is a truly remarkable time for comics. Ultimate Comics X-Men #1 is a book I would have passed on otherwise, and I’m a serious X-Men fan. Writer Nick Spencer and artist Paco Medina introduce a dramatically new status quo for the mutants of this world here and as first issues go, this one puts a lot on the table.

Spoilers regarding everything you thought you knew about the X-Men will follow.

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REVIEW: Infinite Vacation #1

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I generally try to avoid spoilers in my reviews if I can help it, but discussing Nick Spencer’s Infinite Vacation #1 without revealing it’s high concept would be pointless. In the world of Infinite Vacation, man has figured out that there are infinite alternate universes out there and the company Infinite Vacation offers people the opportunity to travel between them. Basically, People have started vacationing in alternate universes as if they were time shares in Florida. In addition to being able to travel between universes, the company offers the option to interact with alternate versions of yourself from those worlds, which is a cool twist on your typical alternate reality story.

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