Maybe it could have used a Shoeverine appearance…

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Went out to see the X-Men Origins: Wolverine on Friday, and while nearly everyone in the group seemed to think it was a bad movie, I was able to enjoy it.  Did it take liberties with the interpretation of the characters?  Yes.  Did it focus more on the action than a story?  Yes.  Did it have shortcomings with its appearance and computer generated images? Yes.  Despite all of this, I don’t know that it was bad.  It wasn’t great, but I really don’t think it was bad.

Granted, I will fully admit that I’m happy to see any comic book property made into a film.  Add the fact that I’ve been reading X-Men since I was 10 years old, and it’s pretty clear that I cannot be fully objective in this.  Regardless, I think the movie is OK.  Also, Shoeverine!