New York Comic Con 2012: Mattel DC Figures on Display
We here at MLD Central spent a good portion of our weekend in New York City for the 2012 New York Comic Con. We had a pretty fun time and took tons of pictures of all of the crazy happenings. While many of the companies we were expecting to see such as Hasbro did not have presence on the convention floor, Mattel had a large booth promoting Voltron, Ghostbusters, Masters of the Universe, WWFE and their various DC Comics lines. Despite being a massive DC Comics fan, I don’t really keep up on the latest news concerning all of Mattel’s lines because in my opinion it feels like their products tend to be overpriced with poor distribution, and the company regularly displays a poor attitude towards the customers who support their business. As a result, I’m not totally sure how many of the photos below actually feature newly announced Mattel product.
The way I understand things, the majority of these figures are part of either their Club Infinite Earths (DC Comics) or Club Black Freighter (Watchmen) subscription services, which require customers to pre-order a year’s worth of figures often sight unseen. In 2012, subscribers only knew the following about what they would receive:
“In 2012, DC Universe Club Infinite Earths will be the only place to get true collector 6″ character figures not available at retail, including Poison Ivy, Atrocitus, The Flash 1 and Starman. You’ll also receive the club-exclusive oversized figure, voted by fans to be Metron with his Mobius Chair!”
If any extra figures are left after the subscriptions are filled, those are made available on the Matty Collector website and each month there is a mad rush to try to purchase them.
What I do know is that I’ve been waiting for that Larfleeze figures since it was first revealed at NYCC 2011 and I’m not convinced I’ll ever get my hands on it. Especially considering I had to resort to ordering the Larfleeze Action League minifigure, which was also revealed at NYCC 2011, from some Hong Kong eBay dealer. That didn’t seem shady at all.
So I’ve done some web searching and it looks like these subscription figures breakdown as follows:
- July – Starman
- July Oversized – Red Rocket
- August – Mirror Master
- September – Black Mask
- October – Poison Ivy
- October Oversized – Elasti-Girl
- November – John Constantine
- November – Uncle Sam
- December – Platinum with Tin
- December Oversized – Lead
- January – Saint Walker
- February – Phantom Stranger
- March – Elongated Man
- April – Larfleeze
- April for Subscribers – Monseiur Mallah
- May – Wally West Flash
So it appears you can also look forward to a Huntress, Red Hood (from Grant Morrison’s Batman and Robin), and Captain Marvel Jr. but I can’t tie a month to those figures.
From 2013’s Club Black Freighter Mattel had Rorschach and Dr. Manhattan displayed on Preview Night. Yesterday they added Silk Spectre and Night Owl.
I know I’m in for Larfleeze. I’d probably have purchased Black Mask, Poison Ivy, John Constantine, Saint Walker, Red Hood, Huntress and maybe Phantom Stranger if they had ever been available in stores. Oh well.