Weeds Season Premiere

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Recently I had a lot of free time on my hands. You would think unemployment would have meant a lot of posts from me, but you would have been very wrong. Instead of writing, I did a lot of watching. I found the full value in my Netflix account. I used much of my time to discover shows I hadn’t had a chance to watch yet.

In a matter of days, I watched the first five seasons of Showtime’s Weeds. I told Pete I would write up each season, but that didn’t happen. I’m not one to write about TV really. So I decided to put it together and based on the premiere of season six, let you know whether you should be watching Weeds or not.

Like any television series, Weeds takes time to find its groove. The first couple seasons are a bit inconsistent but still good. It definitely kept me watching. I enjoy the cast of the show. Kevin Nealon is a dope as always, and for some reason I find him hilarious. I like Mary Louise Parker. I think she is adorable, and her character as a mom cracks me up. I could do without the guest stars of the show. I like Zooey Dechanel, but I could NOT wait for her character to be done. And 1/2 the Olsen twins? Really? Surprisingly, Alanis Morrisette has been the least annoying to me,

After watching the season premiere, I can confidently say that I do recommend this show. It’s fun. In a sick sort of way. Without getting too sick. Dexter, for example, was a bit too sick for me. But then again, I was trying to watch it while on an elliptical. If you start now, you could catch up on the first five seasons on Netflix Instant and then jump in on Showtime.

Weeds airs Monday nights at 10pm. It also replays throughout the week. If you forgot the premiere was this week, you can catch the first episode on their website now.

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