REVIEW: Jackass 3D

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If I only said one thing about this movie, it would be telling you to go see it. Yes, it is worth paying to see in the theater. Yes, it is worth paying to see in 3D. It was everything I hoped it would be and more.

Jackass 3D opens today nationwide. If you have been jaded by the 3D overkill lately, this movie is for you. Johnny Knoxville, Bam MargeraRyan DunnSteve-O, Chris PontiusJason “Wee Man” Acuna, and Preston Lacy are all back along with many more Jackass favorites to present you with non-stop laughing and a mockery of the 3D everywhere nature of movies lately.

I will admit, this movie is not neccesarily for those with weak stomachs. But if someone who is 5 months pregnant and just learning to love food again can stand it, so can you. We talked to someone recently about how they had no interest in seeing Jackass. They were shocked that PTB and I were. Apparently, they thought it was all grossness. I don’t want to ruin anything, but I counted 5 gross-out bits. This was balanced with 5 penis appearances (fake ones do not count) and a remaining hour and a half of hilarity.

Only one gross stunt has scarred me for life. Just thinking about it after the fact still has me gagging. I actually had to stop listening to the movie, not just shield my eyes. But again, I am blaming my lower tolerance on pregnancy and the big greasy burger I had prior to viewing the movie.

Maybe it is because I live in the Philadelphia area, but I think the majority of people out there have a special hate for Bam Margera. It isn’t exclusive to those of us who have had the “pleasure” of interacting with him. With rumors that he had quit partway through the movie, you won’t be disappointed by his constant appearances, and I took a bit of pleasure in seeing the rest of the cast torture him.

Overall, Jackass 3D is consistently good throughout the movie. They start off strong, and they stay strong. It was definitely the little things that made the movie special for another go at the antics. There was more confetti, more bees, and more wee men. I would NOT recommend this for any child. And I would NOT recommend it for your parents either. Lastly… stay through the credits, they are really just an extension of the movie.

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