Cramming Oscar Season into Just Two Days

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I’ve never been one to rush out and see Oscar nominated films in the theater even though in the end I tend to prefer smaller, artsier films to Hollywood’s typical factory-produced sequel. I guess it’s just when the time comes to spend the money for a night at the movies, I’d rather see something that demands the larger screen and sound system. Of course this just encourages Hollywood to make Transformers 4 and we all lose.

This year AMC Theaters are offering a unique opportunity to catch up on those films that were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture that we might have missed. Over the next two weekends select AMC theaters will be offering two “Best Picture Showcases”; each featuring five of the movies up for the Academy’s top prize for just $35. In addition, attendees will receive a ten dollar AMC gift card to use on food.

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REVIEW: Black Swan – more than just hot girls kissing and dancing

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Last night, after sitting through what seemed like interminable CYO basketball games, the wife and I got to eat at Friendly’s (Kickin’ Buffalo Chicken and a Reese’s Pieces Sundae, thank you) and went to the movies to see Black Swan, the new Darren Aronofsky movie. Let me begin by saying that if you didn’t like Requiem for a Dream and want to dismiss the rest of Aronofsky’s films, go ahead, but you’ll be missing a film that has an almost perfect mix of crazy, funny and creepy with brilliant performances to boot.

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