REVIEW: Buried

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I think a lot of people have the wrong idea about this movie.  I walked into it thinking it was a semi-horror flick.  It is not in the least.  Its plot and structure are closer to an action movie than a horror movie.  I thought I’d be claustrophobic.  While at times I was a bit claustrophobic, the movie is shot in a way that makes you forget you are in such a confined space.  This does not mean the movie cheats.  It doesn’t.  At no point in time does Ryan Reynolds’s character do things that would normally be impossible in a regular sized coffin.  That is probably the most remarkable part about this movie.   It feels absolutely real.

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Don’t judge my proposition before you hear what I have to say

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We saw The Proposal tonight.  Luckily I hadn’t seen too many previews for it, since after, I was told that all the funny parts happen in the previews… Anyway….

If our readers can claim Shia Labeouf was the only good thing about Indiana Jones 4…. then I can safely say that Betty White and Oscar from The Office stole the show in this movie.  Ryan Reynolds presence doesn’t hurt it one bit… But Betty White seeming like she may not be faking the crazy old lady thing, and Oscar…well – that you have to see for yourself.  They were hilarious.

Overall, I was pretty happy with seeing this.  For a romantic comedy, it had a lot of comedy.  Yes, it had a lot of cliches, but the funny was funny.  There were a lot of laugh out loud moments.  Yeah – that’s right – it made me LOL.  Oh – and a lot of it being in Alaska was nice too.  Alaska is pretty  🙂