Return to the Dollhouse

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Tonight begins the final run of Fox’s sci-fi human slavery action drama, Dollhouse.  I think I like this show, I know I want to, but it hasn’t been easy.  There’s always been something really cool and really creepy going on, but it’s been a slow build to where the show’s finale seems to be heading.

I think a big part of this has come from attempts to broaden the appeal and ultimately generate ratings.  Creator Joss Whedon has a very loyal fanbase going back to his Buffy the Vampire Slayer days, but his most recent TV series Firefly and Dollhouse have struggled to put up big enough numbers to survive.  Part of the blame falls squarely on Fox for airing the show on Friday nights, but I think just as much has to go to the writers.

If you look at some successful Fox dramas (any network really) there’s a definite single episode done-in-one production ethic behind the series.  House, Bones, Fringe, and Lie to Me all seem to fit this mold.  Sure we learn something about the characters along the way, and there are some threats that loom for a few episodes, but mostly you get everything in that hour.  A notable exception to this is 24, but Fox has made every effort to compress the timeline on how things play out for the viewers by only running from January to May.  I think Dollhouse tried to use this approach, but given the morally questionable nature of the weekly “adventures” it did little to get viewers invested.  Once they came in with the big threat that was building (which happened in the DVD/digital only final episode of season one) it was too late.

After a hiatus 4 episodes into this season, Fox churned out 3 2-hour blocks in December and are dumping the rest in January starting tonight at 9PM.  I will be watching.  The 6 episodes in December were great.  In many ways the show is great, but in other more accurate ways the show is cancelled.


Marvel’s Siege of Asgard

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Yesterday saw the much anticipated release of Marvel’s Siege #1.  Advertised as “seven years in the making” (some of which is quickly recapped here), Siege promises to be the culmination of a large portion of Marvel history from 2004’s Avengers Disassembled through the current Dark Reign of Norman Osborn. All of the major series published over that time including House of M, Civil War, and Secret Invasion are touched on and a special edition of Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada’s Cup o’ Joe column is even included in the book to get everyone up to speed on the groundwork that’s been laid for this story.

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REVIEW: Youth in Revolt

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Youth in Revolt is basically Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist crossed with Fight Club. Michael Cera once again plays a nerdy virgin (again named Nick). It’s a role he’s played time and again and seems very comfortable in.

Nick finds himself temporarily staying in a trailer park with his almost fifty year old mother and her boyfriend, Jerry, played by Zach Galifianakis. Jerry has brought the family to the park to avoid some trouble he’s created back in the family’s hometown.

Shortly after arriving in the park, Nick meets Sheeni Saunders played by Portia Doubleday. Sheeni is a the daughter of religious fanatics who dream of escaping the park for a cultured life in France. A romance develops between the two but is cut short by Nick’s family moving back home.

Nick, longing to return to the park and Sheeni, goes all Tyler Durden and invents a new moustached personality for himself named Francois Dillinger. With the help of Francois, Nick dreams up a plan to move to the park that involves a series of felonies that spiral out of control and hilarity ensues.

Justin Long and Fred Willard make notable appearances in the film, pretty much stealing their scenes.

This movie definitely has some laugh out loud funny moments and is pretty enjoyable overall. I wouldn’t argue, however, that it’s a must see in a theater type of film.

I do worry that Michael Cera needs to stretch as an actor if he wants his career to last beyond the next few years. Hopefully, Edgar Wright’s Scott Pilgrim vs. The World will represent such an opportunity.


Monday Night Wars II

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It’s like 1996 all over again as two rival professional wrestling programs go head-to-head tonight with both promising to have big shows.

TNA makes a move to Monday night making a rare live iMPACT! broadcast showcasing the debut of the legendary Hulk Hogan. WWE RAW will counter by upping the ante on their long running show by featuring the return of Bret “The Hitman” Hart after 12 years away from the business.

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Wait, there’s more!

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Here’s a quick weekend follow up to two of last week’s posts.

Just when you thought the puzzle was complete, Marvel filled in three more little pieces that could turn Spider-Man’s world upside down in 2010.  Is that Peter and Mary Jane’s long missing baby?  Would Marvel go back to this story after dropping it like a radioactive potato 13 years ago?  Only time will tell, but while I’m incredibly excited for things to unfold I’m reserving judgement.

Doctor Who – The End of Time has aired in its entirety in the U.S. and an international trailer for the next season is now available from the BBC for all to see.  Some exciting things are planned for the new Doctor and as far as I’m concerned they can’t get here soon enough.  Looking through the chatter regarding the trailer, Matt Smith already has some fans as well as detractors, but I’m willing to trust the show in the hands of new executive producer Steven Moffat, writer of some of my favorite episodes including The Girl in the FireplaceBlink, and Forest of the Dead.

More on Doctor Who 2010:
2010 Season Preview / The Eleventh Hour