REVIEW: Action Comics #897

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It’s like Paul Cornell reached down into my brain, poked around a bit, and decided to write a Lex Luthor comic designed just for me. I don’t know if it’s possible for Cornell’s eventual conclusion to his Luthor epic to live up to my giant expectations at this point.

Highly recommended.

Editor’s note: Action Comics #897 is available in stores now should you want a glimpse into KevinMLD’s ideal vision of a Lex Luthor story by Paul Cornell and Pete Woods. Cover art by David Finch.


The State of the Supermen (and Girl) – Winter 2010/2011

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It really feels like ever since playing a crucial role in ending the Final Crisis, Superman has basically been missing from the DC Universe. He spent a year away from the Earth on New Krypton amongst 10,000 other Kryptonian supermen including General Zod. During this storyline, Superman did not star in either Action Comics or Superman as those books highlighted a series of replacement heroes operating in and around Metropolis. The New Krypton storyline climaxed with the destruction of New Krypton and an extremely short but brutal war between the surviving Kryptonians led by General Zod and what I guess amounted to the American military lead by General Lane (Lois’ father). Upon the conclusion of the World of New Krypton series, Superman returned not just to Earth but also to his namesake comic, Superman, as superstar writer J. Michael Straczynski (JMS) took the book’s reigns amidst much fanfare. Things, however, have not worked out quite as DC Comics may have planned.

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REVIEW: Larfleeze Christmas Special

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The Larfleeze Christmas Special may have been my most anticipated comic of the year. While it wasn’t as good as I had imagined it to be in my head, it was still a pretty enjoyable book. Before I discuss the story, I figured maybe I should give you some background on this relatively new character, Larfleeze.

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REVIEW: Action Comics #894

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Before we get into our discussion about Action Comics #894, I figure some background information is probably necessary. Pretty much two years worth of spoilers lie ahead… You’ve been warned.

The Superman books have had a weird few years.  What with him not appearing in any of his ongoing titles during the New Krypton storyline, and now with superstar writer J. Michael Straczynski taking over Superman and deciding that the perfect follow up to that storyline is to have Superman walk across America as if he were Forest Gump or something. Of course if you’re going to have Superman just walk for however long that garbage is going to go on, you certainly don’t need multiple books chronicling it. As a result, Superman remains absent from his original flagship title Action Comics, and that book now stars Lex Luthor.

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