Avengers Misassembled!

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Marvel_LogoThree great special issues were released by Marvel in the past two weeks, unfortunately they shipped (and I subsequently read) in perhaps the exact reverse order they were intended.  All three books are written by Brian Bendis, the architect of the upcoming Siege event and writer of the Avengers titles for several years.  The books in questions are New Avengers Annual #3, Dark Avengers Annual #1 and Siege: The Cabal.  Read them in that order, but don’t read on unless you want to know why (consider that a SPOILER warning).

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Obama vs. Spider-Man

Posted by under *dislike, Comics | Leave a Comment |

Madness.  That’s really the only word I can use to describe this furor (maybe that’s too strong a word…) Marvel Comics created to kick off 2009.  Stores all over the country reported lines before their doors opened and sell-outs across the board.  I don’t remember anything like that since Superman died, which is ironic since the same day this book hit the shelves it was joined by one depicting the death of Batman (sorry Kevin).  I was happy/lucky to get the Spidey book, mostly since I regularly read Amazing Spider-Man, but the response is just further evidence that Obama is one of the most popular costumed heroes in American history.