New York Comic Con Preview Night – DC Toys on Parade

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Thursday night was preview night at the New York Comic Con and I was shocked at the amazing amount of new toys on display already. Typically at these conventions most of the announcements of new products are made during the toy companies’ panels and then they go on display. So you can imagine our surprise at how many cool products were already on the floor.

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New 52 Week Three Predictions: How’d I Do?

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Last Wednesday, in recognition of the second full week of DC Comics’ New 52 promotion, I recommended the seven new DC titles that I thought were most likely to be worthy of your attention and your money sight unseen. Now that we’ve had a week to digest them, the question is how did I do? I think it’s safe to characterize the entire promotion as a monster success for DC at least in terms of PR for month one: sellouts across the line, reprints on the way and copies being ordered in the six figure range. Overall, I can honestly say the quality of the actual product has been stronger than I was expecting. The books I personally recommended for week three in order of expected quality were as follows: Batman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Green Lantern Corps, DC Universe Presents: Deadman, Red Hood and the Outlaws and Catwoman.

So how were they in reality?

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DC’s New 52 Week Three – What to Buy This Wednesday!

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Once more DC is releasing another 13 new number ones this week. How can anyone possibly be expected to determine which of these new books they should really buy? There’s just so many of them! To make your life easier, I’ll offer my ill-informed, not-quite-expert opinion on what titles are worth picking up today and each week during this first month of the “New 52.”

So this third week of the “New 52″ DC Universe is the first where there are more books I’m not interested in than ones that I am. Having said that, two of the books I’m most excited about are hitting the shelves today. In my opinion there are four new DCU books that are probably going to be worth checking out and two or three others I’m at least curious about.

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