Boooo! We totally beat England 1-1. Wait... What?
So most of us at MLD spent this past weekend at the former Wizard World East/Philly… which was renamed this year “the Philadelphia Comic Con.” This was an interesting move on Wizard’s part considering that there was virtually no presence at the event from the comic book establishment. Yes, there were comic book vendors and an artists alley, but completely missing from the festivities were representatives from DC and Marvel comics (as well as Dark Horse, IDW, Boom, or any other semi-major publisher). In fact, the only publishers I did notice at the event were Zenescope Entertainment, who publish a comic based on the defunct WB television show Charmed, and Avatar Press, who publish independent books from guys like Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, and Garth Ennis – none of whom were at the show. The lack of comic book companies showing up also meant there were none of the typical comic book panels highlighting what’s coming in the next year or announcements of any kind.
It has been a few years since I attended this show and so much has changed during that period.
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