Air Guitar Heroes

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It’s that time of year again.  The 2009 Philadelphia Regional Air Guitar Championships happen this Saturday at The Khyber Pass Pub.  I’m hoping for a repeat by Windhammer.


X-Men: Messiah War

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Messiah War PrologueLong before we had this outlet to discuss the distractions in our lives, I spent four months consumed with a Marvel Comics crossover event called Messiah Complex (also check out this).  Drawing together four different titles and running weekly, I couldn’t wait for each installment to arrive.  I even started going to the nearest campus comic shop I could find on lunch breaks to get each week’s issue.

In April, Marvel launched the sequel to this event called Messiah War running through X-Force and Cable (which began (actually were relaunched) in the aftermath of Messiah Complex).  While smaller in scope and published less often, Messiah War has been satisfying so far (we’re currently at part five of seven) and I can’t wait to see where it’s all heading.

While continuing the story of the mutant child/possibly savior/possibly destroyer Hope, Messiah War has also managed to incorporate classic X-Men characters and concepts including: Archangel, Apocalypse, Stryfe, Deadpool, The Vanisher and of course time-travel.  Well worth checking out the issues currently in print (or reading once it’s collected) if you’ve ever enjoyed epic X-Men action.


Don’t judge my proposition before you hear what I have to say

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We saw The Proposal tonight.  Luckily I hadn’t seen too many previews for it, since after, I was told that all the funny parts happen in the previews… Anyway….

If our readers can claim Shia Labeouf was the only good thing about Indiana Jones 4…. then I can safely say that Betty White and Oscar from The Office stole the show in this movie.  Ryan Reynolds presence doesn’t hurt it one bit… But Betty White seeming like she may not be faking the crazy old lady thing, and Oscar…well – that you have to see for yourself.  They were hilarious.

Overall, I was pretty happy with seeing this.  For a romantic comedy, it had a lot of comedy.  Yes, it had a lot of cliches, but the funny was funny.  There were a lot of laugh out loud moments.  Yeah – that’s right – it made me LOL.  Oh – and a lot of it being in Alaska was nice too.  Alaska is pretty  🙂


Ministry tracks in Rock Band 2?!?!

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While I’m thrilled to see this, I am genuinely shocked by the availability of a trio of Ministry songs for play in Rock Band 2.  Three relatively recent tracks: Lies Lies Lies, The Great Satan, and Cuz U R Next from the Rio Grande Blood album and the Wicked Lake Soundtrack respectively, are available from the Rock Band store today for the XBox360 and May 28th for the Playstation 3.  I’m really looking forward to pretending to play these songs.


I found nothing wrong with Indiana Jones 4

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I didn’t really think about it until this weekend, but on some level I actively avoided seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  After hearing so many people come away disappointed when it was released last year, I clearly let that affect my efforts to see it.  It’s not like it’s something I’d run out to see, but I think I would have checked it out before this weekend if I was really unaffected.

After watching, I can find nothing wrong with this movie.  It fits well stylistically with the previous chapters.  It acknowledges what came before and broke new ground.  Nothing is any more far fetched or unbelievable than a Nazi melting smoke monster.  Shia Labeouf was annoying, but I think you could have the same reaction to Short Round.  Honestly, if you liked any of the Indiana Jones movies you should like this.  My only complaint, no monkey assassin.