X-Men: Regenesis begins this November
For the past two weeks, Marvel Comics has been releasing a set of their trademark silhouetted teaser images, this time focusing on the X-Men line. With the promise of big changes to the X-Men’s status quo following the current Schism series by Jason Aaron, these teasers suggest a very different landscape for Marvel’s mutants beyond Cyclops simply being at odds with Wolverine. It appears that Regenesis will be a line wide revamp similar in nature to 2004’s X-Men: ReLoad and 2000’s X-Men: Revolution/Counter-X.
The initial promotional image for November’s X-Men: Regenesis focused on the division between characters that would be part of the new Wolverine and the X-Men title and the relaunching Uncanny X-Men. As these latest teasers have rolled out, we now see that no less than eight ongoing X-titles will be part of Regenesis.